Znanstveni pogled na to, kako staranje vpliva na kreativnost posameznika, je predmet razprav že več kot pol stoletja. Glavni predmet razprave je ključno vprašanje – ali postanemo manj kreativni in modrejši s starostjo, ali je možno da posameznik ohrani svojo kreativnost živo in mu le ta pomaga biti bolj vitalen starejši. Za ljudi, za katere je ugotovljena visoka kreativnost, je ugotovljeno, da imajo veliko bolj pozitivno naravnanost do staranja
What do you think about creativity and aging?
Do we really stop being creative just because we get old?
This was the question I have asked people from different age groups and this are some of their answers:
- Maybe you have not to read the opinions of psychologist about Creativity. Because they use another paradigm to understand Creativity. You have to read articles from people that work on Creativity, so you can see that they don't bother if a person is white or blue, scientist or a chef, and so on. Juan Carlos
- I think a lot of people find more time to be creative when they are older. It is possible that if your brain is degenerating you may lose some ability to innovate - but what use is a brain that can innovate when it is stuck in a rigid 9-5 job with a boxed-in remit anyway? :) Gina
- Sabina, The older I get the more creativity I have. There's more experience to draw on. Graeme
- You get old when you stop being creative. Physical age and mental age are very different and have, at best, only a very loose linkage between them. Today there are many 20 year olds who have become feeble or rigid, and therefore have lost their creative edge because they have quit trying or have otherwise lost their ability to be creative, while there are 90 year olds who are still as mentally agile and active as most people are in their early years. Jim
- Creativity is not only artistic expression but also problem solving - with that comes stories to be told where learning has arrived that only life experience can allow to come forth. So who would have the most richest and meaningful stories to share to express creativity and to solve problems? The young or the old? It is a matter of perspective - not age. And, unfortunately in many cases, perception versus reality:) Brent
- Before I turned 60 I thought I had done all my best work, however now I am post 60 and finally consider myself Grown up, I can safely say I am now doing far more and far better work than I ever did as a Youngster. I expect to be doing more and more and using my talents and my even more precious time, even more prudently, as I grow older, so to answer the question, A DEFINITE NO. Bob
- I think creativity is expanded as you grow older. You have much more life experiences to draw from. I agree people get into the state of "I am too old" and get preoccupied with the inevitable. Also people are self conscious of what others will think of their work. This will also hinder creativity. Sometimes using your creativity through art, writing or any passion can work all that out. This is has been my experience anyway.. Elise
- My experience is that I am getting more creative and resourceful as I walk through life. I also think years as richness and abundance, and treasure them. Paola