petek, 16. september 2016


Generating ideas

Shiritori (しりとり?) is a Japanese word game in which the players are required to say a word which begins with the final kana of the previous word. No distinction is made between hiragana, katakana or kanji. "Shiritori" literally means "taking the buttocks" or "taking the end".

Basic rules
  • Two or more people take turns to play.
  • Only nouns are permitted.
  • A player who plays a word ending in the mora N (ん) loses the game, as no Japanese word begins with that character.
  • Words may not be repeated.
  • Phrases connected by no (の) are permitted, but only in those cases where the phrase is sufficiently fossilized to be considered a "word".[citation needed]

Example: sakura (さくら) → rajio (ラジオ) → onigiri (おにぎり) → risu (りす) → sumou (すもう) → udon (うどん)

The player who used the word udon lost this game.

English Shiritori

A Shiritori game using only English words was invented to help people learn English. Most rules are the same, yet there are several original and optional rules that are used.

For students of English, any words including nouns, verbs, and adjectives can be used. Players cannot use different tenses of previously used verbs, unless they have nonstandard conjugation. For example, a player may use "be," "was," and "is," but not both "kick" and "kicked." When a word ends in a vowel, like "life," one may use the preceding consonant instead.

In English, the most similar game is Word chain.

There are Russian wordgames similar to shiritori known as "Igra v slova" ("Игра в слова" -- A game of words) and "Igra v goroda" ("Игра в города" -- A game of cities). Players are required to say a name of a city or town that begins with the final letter of the previous word.

There is also a similar South Slavic game called Kalodont, in which players continue the chain by beginning with last two letters of the previous word. In this game, the objective is to avoid words ending with "ka", because the other player is then able to say "kalodont", and South Slavic languages have no words beginning with "nt" (Wikipedia).

Ali se kdo med vami spomni igre Kalodont? Verzij je bilo veliko. Največkrat so jo naši starši "uporabili" med vožnjo z avtomobilom (ko še ni bilo dvd predvajalnikov v naslonjalih). Pravila so bila enostavna:
  • prepovedana so osebna imena in priimki
  • beseda mora imeti vsaj štiri črke
  • zadnji dve črki sta prvi dve črki naslednje besede
  • poraženec krog je tisti, ki konča besedo z KA (kalodont)
  • zmagovalec je tisti, ki konča besedo z NT
Za mlajše igralce so bile lažje inačice - važno je bilo, da igralec pove besedo, ki se začne na zadnjo črko besede soigralca, beseda pa se ne sme končati na črko K.

Podobno igro uporablja Shimpei Takahashi, japonski "izumitelj" igrač, ko želi generirati čim več novih idej, med katerimi se lahko pojavi nenavadna in zabavna ideja, ki jo lahko uporabi pri izdelavi nove igrače.

Njegovo zabavno zgodbo lahko pogledate s klikom na naslov tega posta.


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